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Unchecked Return (unchecked-return)

Summary and Usage

The Unchecked Return detector alerts the user when a function makes a call to a non-void function and doesn't check the result of the call. Checking the result means that the result is used to influence the control flow of the calling function, affects the value of a storage or memory variable, is passed into another call, or is returned from the calling function.


The Unchecked Return detector is invoked by selecting "Unchecked Return" in the Detector selection during the tool configuration step.

Example and Explanation

The following contract contains a function with an Unchecked Return vulnerability.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

contract UncheckedReturnContract{
address dst;
function vulnerable(uint256 amount) {
payable(dst).call{value: amount}();

// Assumes the transfer succeeded

This function sends native currency using a low-level call. This call will return a result indicating whether the call was successful. Since the function doesn't check this success result, the function's assumption that the transfer has succeeeded isn't guaranteed to be true which could lead to vulnerabilities later in the function.

Vanguard Output

When run on the above contract, the Unchecked Return detector will make the following report:

[Medium] Unchecked result of a call in UncheckedReturnContract.vulnerable
Reported By: vanguard:unchecked-return
Location: UncheckedReturnContract.vulnerable @ UncheckedReturn.sol:6:3-10:3
Confidence: 0.9
More Info: placeholder
Unchecked return value found in UncheckedReturnContract.vulnerable
* The return value of an external call to an unknown target is never used
* ⚠️ @ UncheckedReturnContract.vulnerable @ UncheckedReturn.sol:7:5
* Affected contracts: UncheckedReturnContract

First, the detector reports which function contains the vulnerability. It then indicates the call target and the location of the call whose return value is unchecked.


  • For external calls, since the return type of the call target isn't included in the ABI for that function, it can't be determined for certain whether the call target may have a return value. For calls to an interface function, Solc will insert ABI decode calls if that function has a return type which can help with determining if a call is to a void function, but these decode calls aren't inserted for low level calls. In an alert, the detector will indicate all call targets that match the selector of the call. This may generate false positives for calls that will be to a void function in production.

Here is an example of a finding with a call target that has multiple matching selectors:

Example Contract with External Calls
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

interface IVoidCallTarget {
function foo() external;

interface ICallTarget {
function foo() external returns (uint256);

contract ExternalCallContract{
function caller(address dst) public {


The Unchecked Return detector output for this contract will look like the following:

[Medium] Unchecked result of a call in ExternalCallContract.caller
Reported By: vanguard:unchecked-return
Location: ExternalCallContract.caller @ test/unchecked-return-tests/UncheckedReturn.sol:13:3-16:3
Confidence: 0.9
More Info: placeholder
Unchecked return value found in ExternalCallContract.caller
* The return value of an external call to foo() is never used
* ⚠️ @ ExternalCallContract.caller @ UncheckedReturn.sol:14:5
* Possible callee(s) with non-void return type include:
* Note: the following function(s) have the same selector but returns void. If this call is to one of these function(s), then you can ignore this warning.
* Affected contracts: ExternalCallContract

This alert will include the fact that has the same selector as As described in the alert, if an external call is known to be a void target (e.g.,, it is safe to mark alerts like these as false positives.

Assessing Severity

The severity of a finding reported by the Unchecked Return detector depends on the meaning of the result and what assumptions are made about the call in the caller function. If the caller function can safely ignore the result of the call or can safely ignore whether the call succeeds, then the finding may be considered benign. For example, the call result of EnumerableSet.add() or EnumerableSet.remove() can generally be ignored.

Otherwise, the severity varies depending on the importance of the call result. For example, if the call is used to transfer currency from a user and tokens are minted for the user later in the function, it would be a critical vulnerability if the contract doesn't check that the funds from the user are successfully transferred to the contract.