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Fairness Assumptions

Fairness assumptions allow a user to assume some (temporal) property holds. A fairness assumption is placed in the Fairness Section of the [V] specification which is marked by the fair tag (short for fairness assumption). The specification itself contains a logical combination of [V] statements as follows:

fair: prop

where prop contains [V] statements combined with logical and temporal operators (see temporal specifications for more information about these operators).

Important: The fair section must come before the inv/spec sections in the [V] specification!

Note that the fair section is OPTIONAL and is not necessary to include in every [V] specification.

Reducing to a Temporal Property

Fairness assumptions can be equivalently expressed using only temporal properties as follows:

fair: prop1
spec: prop2

becomes the following temporal specification

spec: prop1 ==> prop2

NOTE: While these are technically equivalent, OrCa may sometimes behave differently on these two specifications as OrCa uses special reasoning to take advantage of known assumptions given in Fairness sections.