AuditHub Documentation
Learn how to use Veridise tools
Veridise AuditHub is an online platform that allows organizations to self-audit their own code by providing instant access to Veridise code review and security analysis tools. Users provide the source code of their application, and they invoke the Veridise security analysis tools that audit the application and report back the discovered vulnerabilities.
OrCa is a smart contract fuzzing tool developed by Veridise. Given a description of the intended behaviors of the contract(s), OrCa can automatically discover bugs by generating and running thousands of (pseudo-)random inputs against the target application.
Vanguard is a static analysis tool created by Veridise for discovering bugs in DeFi applications and ZK-circuits by searching for well known security vulnerabilities and anti-patterns.
Picus is a Veridise tool to prove that a ZK-circuit is not underconstrained, or find a counterexample if it is underconstrained.